ANETTE PREHN  favicon for anette prehn  BRAINSMART


In my life and leadership there is a before and after Anette Prehn.”

Is your organisation in the midst of constant change? Are your employees experiencing much negative stress? Do you want to turn brains into an allies when moving from old habits to innovative results?

Anette Prehn conveys BRAINSMART insights and tools. She has written more than 20 books without AI, ghostwriters, etc. What you read and experience is her own original thinking and ability to communicate in ways that are easy to understand, remember, and apply. FRAMESTORM® is a method developed by Anette Prehn that boosts resilience and reframing ability. Anette Prehn designs keynotes, courses, and competence development programs that stick. Highly engaging and contagious. Exceptionally high client satisfaction!

Clients like A.P. Moeller-Maersk / Grundfos / Novo Nordisk / Nordea / Danfoss / GN Store Nord / Copenhagen Business School / 40+ municipalities / 100+ educational institutions and schools LEARN MORE →


Turn the brain into an ally rather than (inter)acting in BrainClumsy ways! #leadership #learning #change management #relational power



Practice adapting your mindset and strategies to the challenge at hand. Learn how to Framestorm® from the creator herself! #cognitive flexibility #reframing

Book course →

Anette prehn  favicon for anette prehn  BRAINSMART


In my life and leadership there is a before and after Anette Prehn.”

Is your organisation in the midst of change? Are your employees experiencing too much negative stress? Would you like to be able to turn your brain into an ally when moving from old habits to innovative results?

Anette Prehn works in the field of NeuroLeadership and conveys BRAINSMART tools to all types of organisations. Anette has written +20 published books without AI, ghostwriters or the like. What you read is the product of her own original thinking and she communicates in ways that are easy to understand, remember, and apply. FRAMESTORM® is a method developed by Anette Prehn that boosts resilience and reframing ability.

Anette Prehn designs keynotes, courses, and competence development programs that stick, leaving a proper mark on hearts, brains, and behaviour. Highly engaging and contagious. Exceptionally high client satisfaction!

Clients like A.P. Moeller-Maersk / Grundfos / Novo Nordisk / Nordea / Danfoss / GN Store Nord / Copenhagen Business School / 40+ municipalities / 100+ educational institutions and schools YES, PLEASE →



KEY NOTE Speeches

Turn the brain into an ally rather than (inter)acting in BrainClumsy ways! #leadership #learning #change management #relational power




Practice adapting your mindset and strategies to the challenge at hand. Learn how to Framestorm® from the creator herself! #cognitive flexibility #reframing



”An inspirational firework.” ”Anette Prehn has blown us away!”



Even though we all strive to do what is best, many adults end up acting and communicating in ways that work against the rules of the brain.

In her best-selling book BrainSmart Kids, Anette Prehn shows, with humour and warmth, how adults tend to behave in BrainClumsy ways towards children, because we don’t understand how the brain works.

The book is full of examples relating to the 0–18-year-olds to inspire the reader to bring out the best in children and oneself. It is a bestseller in Denmark and receives massive praise from readers.

Why this book is needed

1. Many societies face a steep rise in mental issues. Lots of kids and teens are unhappy and facing a future that can seem rather dark and overwhelming. BrainSmart Kids help readers help their kids and teens build the necessary mental repertoire needed to thrive, regulate emotions and contribute.  

2. In a growing number of countries, punishing children physically is becoming illegal and telling them off verbally is doing little good for their learning, life skills and healthy development. In the light of this, we need to develop new parenting and teaching skills that will help children cope with life’s demands and nurture their ability to learn, laugh, grow, and thrive.

3. These years more and more children receive medical diagnoses, such as ADHD. This often leads them to feel flawed or inadequate. Anette Prehn says adults ought to ensure that the environments surrounding children are close to BrainSmart before trying to diagnose them. In many situations children’s current behaviours and emotional repertoires are directly linked to the BrainClumsy communication and behaviours of their adults.

So far, “BrainSmart Kids” has been published in Danish, German, Swedish and Norwegian. Anette Prehn is open to connect with international publishers interested in publishing it. A full, professional translation into English exists, but hasn’t been published. Feel free to reach out:

A much-loved book – blurps

‘Anette Prehn is a genius at communicating applied neuroscience to anyone from CEOs to five-year-old kindergarteners.’

Organisational Psychologist Olu Robbin-Coker

‘I’d been taking anxiety medication for seven years when I stumbled upon BrainSmart Kids. When I was halfway through, I asked my doctor to take me off my medication. I’d come to understand what happens in the brain and how to regulate it. Today, I have been medication-free for a year and a half.’

PA Michelle Uhre

It’s an amazing skill to be able to get complex theory across in digestible bites without dumbing down for an uninitiated readership, while piquing the interest of those-in-the-know and then showing how to put it all into practice! Anette Prehn writes divinely!

Chiropractor Berit Brun Boegh

‘All my staff – teachers and pedagogues – have read Anettes Prehn’s book ‘BrainSmart Kids’. It has provided us with a common language, which we speak and act upon. Anette Prehn’s ambition is to bring ‘Research to the people’, and she communicates so understandably that my staff can further explain it to the children’s parents: about the pathways in the brain, the rumble strips, the language of temporality, etc. Hence, our common language among the staff has become a common language for everyone involved with the children, and it has been a tremendous gift for all.

When we were reading ‘BrainSmart Kids’, we discussed the towards-language at a staff meeting. The next morning, we had a completely different school and kindergarten. It was magical. You could see it immediately. The atmosphere in the house changed as if by magic.

Before, my staff would say, for example, ‘I have told you 100 times, you must not run in here!!’ And suddenly, they said instead, ‘Hey! You are very welcome to run out in the hallway!’ And so, the children did. They embraced what was offered to them. The whole tone and atmosphere changed from one day to the next. It has become a more friendly and pleasant place.’

Head Christian Kofoed, Fussingoe-Egnens Free school, Kindergarten and Daycare

Thank you for the wonderful inspiration. I can hardly describe the almost euphoric feeling I got when reading BrainSmart Kids. I’m a mother of three boys aged 6, 8 and 10, and BrainSmart Kids was exactly what I was looking for to support my way of bringing them up.

I’m also a qualified pre-school teacher, and both as a mother and a teacher, I can’t think of a more relevant book for any family with children. I recommend it to anyone who will listen to me. It ought to be on the curriculum for pre-school teacher training programmes.’

Pre-schoool teacher Emily Somers

As a parent twice over, I’ve had some exceptional AHA! moments with BrainSmart Kids. Despite its substantial scientific basis, the book presents the tools in a hands-on format that is easy to put into practice. This is the book’s strength: its methods really work! I would recommend all parents-to-be are given a copy of BrainSmart Kids during antenatal classes.’

MD Magnus Vagtborg

‘A must-read for anyone working with children of all ages. In ‘BrainSmart Kids’, we get an explanation for many of the mental reactions we all have.

Anette Prehn offers many examples and makes the topics both entertaining and instructive. I often refer to the book in meetings with parents and children. I find that many people thereby are reassured to know that there’s ‘nothing wrong’ with them or their children, and that there are both good explanations and solutions.

As a school head, I’ve gained more confidence in the choices I’ve made in optimising the psychosocial environment for both the children and staff. I find that this book has empowered me professionally and personally, too. I warmly recommend ‘BrainSmart Kids’ to school heads, teaching staff and parents alike.’

Henrik Fridorf, Head of Bondi School, Norway

High-quality research dissemination connects modern neuroscience with classical social psychology. Comprehensible and useful for a broader audience.’

Review at Folkeskolen (Danish journal for teachers working with kids between 6 and 16 years of age)


How often do you come across a leadership book that leaders keep reading? A book they call their “Bible”, metaphorically speaking.

Such a book is BrainSmart Leadership. It opens up NeuroLeadership in an original way leaving its mark by being easy to understand, remember and apply.

Anette Prehn encourages readers to explore the chapters that seem appealing, like one would use a cookery book. Most people get an overall sense of a cookery book and then dive in for a closer look according to their interests, motivation, and the situation.

From this bestselling book, you’ll learn:


  • Why “good” advice often goes unheeded and why feedback is so easily misconstrued
  • How to promote a flexible mindset when you and everyone around you are stuck in old habits
  • How to unburden the brain in a busy life and prevent negative stress
  • How to benefit from becoming an expert at handling the brain’s threat response
  • How to turn procrastination into productive aha! Moments
  • Why emotions should be taken with a pinch of salt, while values should be taken deadly seriously
  • How your approach to leadership influences the brains of your employees
  • How to make your organisation – and this includes you – more BrainSmart

“In a specific situation, our insight into the rules of the brain saved us six months’ work. I simply can’t put it any more plainly – this book is an excellent investment.”

J.T. Ravn, Warrant Officer, Royal Danish Air Force

“Provocative and well communicated. A wise and entertaining book on a complex subject.”

Ulla Bechsgaard, reviewer for Jyllands-Posten

“A wonderful book for leaders. Anette Prehn has a gift for provoking leaders’ thought patterns and habits. She writes brilliantly, making complex facts about the brain fun, accessible and applicable. World class!”

Trine Brahm, Head of Leadership & Talent, Novozymes

“Anette Prehn offers unique insight into how we, as leaders, can help our teams and ourselves to tackle change and challenges.”

Michael S. Kehlet, VP Talent, LEGO Group

“BrainSmart Leadership is my Bible. I read it repeatedly, experiencing one revelation after another. The book provides me with an understanding of how we humans are influenced and react emotionally—and Anette Prehn makes it easy to apply this understanding. Prehn practices a delightfully playful and appreciative optimism, which is infectious: ‘Just try something else,’ and ‘don’t take it so hard, it’s perfectly natural.’ I practice patiently and curiously, inspired by the three steps that each chapter ends with. This book makes me far wiser about the practice of leadership.“

Anne Andersen, Head of Department, Copenhagen Municipality


How does a course receiving 5 stars out of 5 sound?

Framestorm® is a registered method, developed by Anette Prehn that significantly boosts resilience and cognitive flexibility, i.e. the ability to view a challenge from numerous, meaningful perspectives. Cognitive flexibility is a crucially important function in the brain – especially when experiencing VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) – and it correlates with commercial success. The individual learning to Framestorm® gain an enormous freedom and strength when coping with life.

In these times of diversity and change, it is essential to pause your perspective, viewing others from angles beyond the habitual and rigid. If you are truly committed to succeeding with your DE&I agenda (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion), Framestorm offers a viable path. What value does DE&I hold if it merely involves ticking boxes without genuinely evolving our mindsets and perceptions of one another?

Reach out to for a tailor-made course.

A revolutionary method for viewing relationships and challenges from new angles.”

”Crazy good course. It is vital for everybody to learn how to Framestorm.” 

“After my Framestorm course I’ve felt as if I have started winter bathing. My senses and cells have been awakened from hibernation and I now see possibilities where beforehand I was locked in habitual thinking and sometimes caught up in negative spirales.”

“After the Framestorm course with Anette Prehn, I feel vaccinated against bullheadedness and rigidity. I can tease my brain in new ways, so it continues to evolve.

“It has been absolutely fantastic and a complete life transformation for me to be on the Framestorm course.”


In order to give kids and teenagers a chance to turn the brain into an ally rather than an opponent, Anette Prehn has written seven mini books in total. The series is called ‘Brain Friends’ (and it has also been published as a book with seven chapters). Two of these have been translated into English at this point in time. They are called ‘The Pathways In the Brain’ and ‘Become Friends With the Brain’s Amygdala’.

‘Full of knowledge, Anette Prehn leads us on the pathways of the brain to a deeper understanding of how the brain assists us in everyday life. This book gives children, teenagers and everyone else insight into many important aspects of our wonderful brain. The book focuses on the brain both in terms of development throughout generations and regarding an individual’s ability to change the wiring of the brain, so that we can be courageous, happy and tackle issues with ease. I recommend it greatly.’

Troels W. Kjaer, Professor, neuroscientist, medical director, and author


‘BrainSmart Pedagogy’ translates neuroscience into practical pedagogy in an easily understandable manner and explores how brain research can enrich the pedagogical experience and the existing pedagogical methods.

The book offers an introduction to the rules of the brain for everyone interacting with kids and teens in everyday life. At the same time, it also presents a wide range of concrete tools, songs, and games to stimulate children’s learning, empathy, inner calm, and self-control, which will strengthen their brains.

‘BrainSmart Pedagogy’ is structured as a journey to five ‘destinations’ in the brain – Amygdala, Hippocampus, Prefrontal Cortex, Self-directed Neuroplasticity and Working Memory – with plenty of examples and tools, inspiring the reader’s interaction with and deeper understanding of kids.

The book is aimed at professionals who work and interact with kids and teens aged 3 to 16 years. However, parents gain a lot from the book too.


Anette Prehn’s mission is to make neuroscience human, to bridge the gap between the rapidly expanding field of neuroscience and human life. She has specialised in NeuroLeadership, but really these methods are for everyone! Forget about trying to fight, delete or get rid of old habits – that is not in line with brain logic. Instead, know the rules of the brain and start “tramping new pathways in the forest”.

ConTACT Anette Prehn

You can reach Anette Prehn by e-mail: